Thursday, September 13, 2007

Week One-Steps 1, 2, 3

The adventure has begun!
After a few glitches I am on my way and have created the bones of my first blog.
My internal process around this has reminded me how I approach learning and problem solving.
I was simultaneously excited about the possibilities and terrified because of my fear of failure.
So I took the plunge.
Then as I mastered the technical aspects I was able to reflect on content. What is the purpose of this blog? Who am I writing to and for? What message am I conveying? What does all this say about me? Reflection reflection.....
Yes, I am a babyboomer and like many, I have issues around exposure. Feeling exposed that is.
So I am mindful of being selective in what I post and what sort of attention that might result.
Having said that, this is a process for me and I want to create and express who I am and where I have come from... and where I am going. I am quite familiar with journaling my process as a therapeutic tool but how much do I want to reveal here? And to date it has been one hell of a journey.
Then my resourceful side kicked in. What else could I include and where could I search. I trawled my own files and found some things that have helped me in the past. So, thus far, my blog reflects what I have long wanted (serenity), some lessons for living I agree with and which keep me in line when I begin to stray (Dalai Lama stuff), a list qualities that benchmark healthy relating and some pictures (all mine) that capture some aspects of my life now.
All of these elements depict tools I have in my toolkit but this is just the beginning.
I am sure in the next few weeks my blog will evolve in all sorts of directions and I can hardly wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looked at the picture of the beach and then looked outside. The day is sunny and I'm working inside. Got to change that situation and get to the beach. Nice blog!