Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 7 Exercises 16 and 17 (Wikis)

#16 I have frequently used Wikipedia in the course of trying to track down obscure titles that customers ask us to buy. When our supplier databases don't find them we google the item and sometimes Wikipedia has an entry. This can mean that the item isn't a book at all but an article or discussion.
I love the idea of Wikis and agree that "it is an incredibly useful tool for collaborative writing, pooling knowledge or exchanging ideas, especially on a subject that changes or needs updating frequently." (from PLCMC Core Competencies blog)
The Book Lovers Wiki from Princton Public Library offers another source of reviews for our team to assist in our selection of titles. Reviews especially help us to identify either the marginal titles or the next big one.
Ideal uses of wikis for libraries would be in both customer service FAQ/quick reference type resource and also a staff intranet for training manuals. As soon as a manual is created it becomes out of date. So a tool whereby constant updating is easily accessible has to be good, in spite of the small dangers of incorrect/malicious editing!
#17 And I have now added my blog to the Favourite Blogs on PBwiki Learning 2.0 wiki.


Anonymous said...

Wikis have their uses, great work. can I get you to relook at adding your blog to the favourites in PB wiki

phoenix-rose said...

Yes, did it today.